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Web sites refuting POCM

Can YOU kick POCM's ass?
If your web site proves POCM is wrong, let me know. I promise I may link to it here.


mailto: GregAtPOCM*remove this spam blocker* - at -

Unlocking The Scriptures

The Key Of Knowledge

  Is The Gospel Copied From Another Religious Source? It has been noted and pointed out by Atheists and critics of the Bible that on the surface -- and because of the similarities -- it would appear that the authors of the scriptures copied the Gospel accounts from other religions.   .... The web site the Pagan Origins of the Christ Myth, this question is posed:  Did Christianity borrow ideas from other religions?  

And the answer provided to the reader: Our Christianity doesn't come from Jesus and a big bang. It comes from the accumulation of legends and theologies by people who believed in Jesus. The origin of those ideas wasn't Jesus. The origin was the myths, legends, philosophies, prejudices, literature, superstitions, and primitive cosmology of ancient western culture. Christianity is a product of its time and place.  

But is this true?   If the author of these words possessed any higher perception and understanding of his own Cosmology of Mind that was reference by the ancients in the words: Know Thyself -- then he would immediately reject his own words as utter ignorance.  

What the Atheists and critics have never considered is this..

Shalom Greg:
I liked your words so much, that I quoted your web site in the subheading: Is The Gospel Copied From Another Religious Source? In my reply you will discover a reality that you have never even considered. The test of your honesty is whether you rewrite much of your web site in order to present the higher spiritual aspect of the equation.
GodSpeed in TheWay,

Allan Cronshaw

Jesus Christ


Jesus Christ and Mythology

3) Greg Kane

Kane has a very popular Website which skeptics who argue the "Copy Cat Savior" argument love to link to. In all fairness to Kane he lacks the biting tent preacher tirade tone of Till, and seems like a nice guy. His [POCM's] scholarship and documentation, however are abysmal. A great deal of his information on the so called "saviors" comes from Achyra S. A strange figure who believes that Space aliens have commissioned her to destroy Christianity. Kane says that her book The Christ Conspiracy: The Greatest Story Ever Sold, is "the best book" for this topic! He doesn't footnote anything so it's hard to tell where each individual claim is coming form, but he does proclaim loudly:

etc. etc.

A believer squashes POCM flat flat flat.

Here's his intro. He goes on to discuss details.

Pagan Origins of the Christ Myth: Summary Points

James Patrick Holding


This rather larger than it looks website (because of its graphics) offers no new arguments at all and so we present merely this listing of major errors and where to find them corrected. For the classic "parody" we had here previously, which is a point by point refutation of the POCM site as it was done c. 2003, see my new site.

  • The author's most egregious error in his continual reference to the "Dionysus on the cross" medallion, featured on the cover of Freke and Gandy's Jesus Mysteries. As reported by our associate Venerable Bede, this item was declared a forgery by experts even before Freke and Gandy published. This makes POCM's repeated use of it all the more ironic and devastating.
  • The second most stunning error of POCM is its complete lack of notice of <>precursors for ideas that were claimed stolne by Christians from pagans: For example, use of dreams as omens; water baptism; miracle-working -- and in one case, in a history of Judaism, POCM completely fails to mention the Maccabbean revolt!
  • POCM also makes use of the claim that Paul did not know anything of the earthly Jesus; see our replies to Earl Doherty under D.
  • It offers the standard unworthy treatment of the secular references to Jesus and endorses Remsberg's list, as well as early dating the Gospel of Thomas while late dating the canonical Gospels.
  • As might be expected, appeal to figures we address here. There is also much effort expended on terminological equivocation (eg, claiming a parallel to "salvation" in religions when the word used could mean even being "saved" from a burning building).

POCM has been updated since 2003 but mainly in the area of improved graphics. Nothing new of substance has been added to the content.


A few years back, this ernest fellow downloaded all hundred pages of POCM, and reproduced it line by excruciating line, explaining how pretty much every sentence in POCM is false.

Now he's taken that down, and just has this.. "

Links to sites about the Jesus Myth and Historical Jesus"

Pagan Origins of the Christ Myth


Greg Kane





This [POCM] could be the most dishonest website on the whole of the Internet. Kane has actually got a well presented and flashy site but his material relies on misquotation and disingenuous interpretation.  All the pagan copycat stuff he uses is very old hat and JP Holding also has a cruel parody of the site here [dead link]

Consider your ass kicked, POCM.

Edwin K. P. Chong, Ph.D.
Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Professor of Mathematics
Fellow of the IEEE

"When applied to the consideration of miracles, key to the Jesus Seminar’s analyses of the Gospels, naturalism leads inevitably to the conclusion that miracles must be relegated to the realm of magic.
This sentiment is clear in the following typical dialog:

Is it possible Jesus resurrection was real? No, it isn’t; at least not rationally and scientifically. Resurrections are magical. Resurrections are miraculous. Magic and miracle aren’t scientific. Magic and miracle aren’t rational or reasonable.

Yeah, yeah Poindexter. Is it possible Jesus’ resurrection was real? – Well, yes. But only if magical, miraculous, supernatural things are possible. And, when you think about it, that’s exactly the point of the miracle of Jesus’ resurrection. The miracle points up God’s power, proves there really is something supernatural going on.

But that’s not critical scholarship. That’s theology.


The dialog above illustrates yet another common sentiment about miracles, that they are fabrications with precisely the goal to suggest that God exists. The argument goes something like this:

1. The Gospels record the occurrence of miracles.
2. This is to be expected, because the Gospel authors have a vested interest in the propagation of such stories. They are fabrications with the goal to suggest that God exists.
3. Therefore, the Gospels are false."

Dr. Chong quotes POCM, and tears one of POCM's treasured analyzes into tiny little shreds.

Greg replies.

A nice thing about POCM on the web

podcast of Greg chatting for an hour on a radio show.

Turns out I not near so r-tickleate as I imagined.